Saturday, January 19, 2013

The Wraith House

In the quiet little abodes on the nestled little street,
There is always the house with that,
The house that is dark amongst the fleet,
Whose only tenancy being the cat.

The cat whose eyes are green alight,
Feral and dark with fear,
With its hair is as black as night,
Darker than any nocturnal jeer.

Whenever you see a house that is cloaked in shadow,
Whose darkness is shiftless and waiting,

Beware the dark specter that lies below,
Above all,
For it collects those who are living.
* * *

This is a bit of a tribute to my favorite author, Mister E. A. Poe,
Happy 204th, Mr. Poe!
You don't look a day over 140.
~A. Taylor